It will molt 12 or more times if it survives to adulthood. What is it? ___________________
It has 5 pairs of legs. What is it? ___________________________
Related to Starfish and Sanddollars it is named for a veggie. What is it? __________________
It comes out a night to feed on insects drawn by the lights. It is a ________________.
This sandbar ____________ took almost 10 minutes to reel in and weighted 4o pounds.
This Crustaecean is named for its shell color it is a ____________ ____________.
This one groes larger and is great for a meal. It is named for the color of its claws(oops it lost it's)
and legs. It is a ______________ _____________.
A Gastropod, this critter walks on its stomach. It is a ______________.
Nope not a "sea bugger"! This "guy" belongs to the group Nudibranchs. It is a _______ _______.
Can you name these?